Internet Geographer

Digital Labour / The Gig Economy


My Research on Digital labour and the gig economy

I focus on investigating the implications of new types of digitally-meditaed labour for workers at economic margins. This research is ongoing in my team's research on AI and labour, the gig economy, and outsourcing and microwork.


current collaborators

Jana Ababneh, Eisha Afifi, Wirawan Agahari, Pablo Aguera Reneses, Iftikhar Ahmad, Tariq Ahmed, Shamarukh Alam, María Belen Albornoz, Luis Pablo Alonzo, Oğuz Alyanak, Hayford Amegbe, Branka Andjelkovic, Marcos Aragão, María Arnal, Arturo Arriagada, Daniel Arubayi, Sami Atallah, Tat Chor Au-Yeung, Ahmad Awad, Razan Ayesha, Meghashree Balaraj, Joshua Baru, Ladin Bayurgil, Ariane Berthoin Antal, Alessio Bertolini, Wasel Bin Shadat, Virgel Binghay, Ameline Bordas, Maren Borkert, Álvaro Briales, Lola Brittain, Joe Buckley, Rodrigo Carelli, Eiser Carnero Apaza, Eduardo Carrillo, Maria Catherine, Chris King Chi Chan, Henry Chavez, Ana Chkareuli, Andrea Ciarini, Antonio Corasaniti, Pamela Custodio, Adriansyah Dhani Darmawan, Olayinka David-West, Luisa De Vita, Alejandra S. Y. Dinegro Martínez, Brikena Kapisyzi Dionizi, Ha Do, Matías Dodel, Marta D'Onofrio, Elvisa Drishti, Veena Dubal, James Dunn-Willimason, Khatia Dzamukashvili, Pablo Egaña, Dana Elbashbishy, Batoul ElMehdar, Elisa Errico, Úrsula Espinoza Rodríguez, Patrick Feuerstein, Roseli Figaro, Milena Franke, Sandra Fredman, Farah Galal, Jackeline Gameleira, Pía Garavaglia, Chana Garcia, Michelle Gardner, Navneet Gidda, Shikoh Gitau, Slobodan Golusin, Eloísa González, Rafael Grohmann, Martin Gruber-Risak, Francisca Gutiérrez Crocco, Seemab Haider, Khadiga Hassan, Richard Heeks, Sopo Japaridze, Mabel Rocío Hernández Díaz, Luis Jorge Hernández Flores, Victor Manuel Hernandez Lopez, Nur Huda, Huynh Thi Ngoc Tuyet, Francisco Ibáñez, Neema Iyer, Tanja Jakobi, Athar Jameel, Abdul Bashiru Jibril, Ermira Hoxha Kalaj, Raktima Kalita, Revaz Karanadze, Zeynep Karlidağ, Lucas Katera, Bresena Dema Kopliku, Maja Kovac, Zuzanna Kowalik, Anjali Krishan, Martin Krzywdzinski, Amela Kurta, Ilma Kurtović, Morad Kutkut, Tobias Kuttler, Arturo Lahera-Sánchez, Jorge Leyton, Annika Lin, Georgina Lubke, Bilahari M, Raiyaan Mahbub, Wassim Maktabi, Oscar Javier Maldonado, Laura Clemencia Mantilla León, Claudia Marà, Ana Flavia Marques, Margreta Medina, Rusudan Moseshvili, Jamal Msami, Karol Muszyński, Hilda Mwakatumbula, Beka Natsvlishvili, Mounika Neerukonda, Ana Negro, Chau Nguyen Thi Minh, Sidra Nizambuddin, Claudia Nociolini Rebechi, Bonnita Nyamwire, Mitchelle Ogolla, Oluwatobi A. Ogunmokun, Frederick Pobee, Daviti Omsarashvili, Caroline A Omware, Nermin Oruc, Christian Nedu Osakwe, Balaji Parthasarathy, Francesca Pasqualone, María Inés Martínez Penadés, Leonhard Plank, Frederick Pobee, Valeria Pulignano, Jack Linchuan Qiu, Jayvy R. Gamboa, Ananya Raihan, Antonio Ramírez, Juan-Carlos Revilla, Ambreen Riaz, Alberto Riesco-Sanz, Nagla Rizk, Moisés K. Rojas Ramos, Federico Rosenbaum Carli, Cheryll Ruth Soriano, Julice Salvagni, Derly Yohanna Sánchez Vargas, Maricarmen Sequera, Murali Shanmugavelan, Aditya Singh, Shanza Sohail, Janaki Srinivasan, Anna Sting, Isabella Stratta, Zuly Bibiana Suárez Morales, David Sutcliffe, Mubassira Tabassum Hossain, Tasmeena Tahir, Ainan Tajrian, Dinh Thi Chien, Kiko Tovar, Funda Ustek Spilda, Jonas Valente, Giulia Varaschin, Daniel Vizuete, Annmercy Wairimu, Jing Wang, Robbie Warin, Nadine Weheba, Katie J. Wells, Anna Yuan and Sami Zoughaib.


Muldoon, J., Graham, M., and Cant, C. 2024. Feeding the Machine: The Hidden Human Labour Powering AI. London: Cannongate / New York: Bloomsbury. (also translated versions in Mandarin with CITIC Press Corporation (China) and Locus Publishing Taiwan, Spanish with RBA Libros, German with HarperCollins, Russian with Fortis Press, and Korean with New Wave Media).

Anwar, M. A., and Graham, M. 2022. The Digital Continent: Placing Africa in Planetary Networks of Work. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Graham, M. and Ferrari, F. (eds) 2022. Digital Work in the Planetary Market. Cambridge MA: MIT Press.

Woodcock, J. and Graham, M. 2019. The Gig Economy: A Critical Introduction. Cambridge: Polity. (also translated into Portuguese (2022) with Editora Senac Sao Paolo and Korean (2022) with Chonnam National University Press, ISBN 9788968498282)


López, T., Ustek-Spilda, F., Feuerstein, P., Ferrari, F., and Graham, M. 2024. The Fairwork Project: Promoting Good Labor Practices in the Digital Platform Economy through Action Research. In Schäfer, M. T., Van Es, K., and Lauriault, T. (eds.) Collaborative Research in the Datafied Society: Methods & Practices for Investigation & Intervention. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 149-160.

Katta, S., Ferrari, F., van Doorn, N., & Graham, M. 2024. Migration, migrant work(ers) and the gig economy. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space.

Ferrari, F., Bertolini, A, Borkert, M., and Graham, M. 2024. The German platform economy: Strict regulations but unfair standards?, Digital Geography and Society.

Muldoon, J., Cant, C., Wu, B., and Graham, M. 2024. A typology of artificial intelligence data work. Big Data & Society, 11(1).

López, T., Feuerstein, P., de Vera, J., Varaschin, G,. Karlidağ, Z., and Graham, M. 2024. Cloudwork als Chance für den Globalen Süden? Einkommens- und professionelle Entwicklungschancen von Online-Plattformarbeiter*innen im Übersetzungs- und Transkriptionssektor. (Cloudwork as an opportunity for the Global South? Income and professional development opportunties of online platform workers in the translation and transcription sector). Standort: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geographie.

Rebechi, C. N., Oliveira, M. A., López, T., Valente, J., Grohman, R., Salvagni, J., Figaro, R., Carelli, R., da Silva, V., Marques, A. F., Baptistella, C. V., Gameleira, J., Farias, H., Graham, M., and Howson, K. 2024. Avaliando Relações de Trabalho na Economia de Plataformas: O Projecto Fairwork No Brasil E Na América Latina. In Soberania Popular Na Era Digital. Ed. Schnieder, A. São Paulo: Hucitec Editora. 93-108.

Muldoon, J., Cant, C., Graham, M., and Ustek-Spilda, F. 2023. The poverty of ethical AI: impact sourcing and AI supply chains. AI & Society.

Alyanak, O., Cant, C., López Ayala, T., Badger, A., & Graham, M. 2023. Platform work, exploitation, and migrant worker resistance: Evidence from Berlin and London. The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 1-22. doi:10.1017/elr.2023.34 (shortlisted for the 2023 Nevile-Plowman Best Article Prize)

Van Belle, J.-P., Howson, K., Graham, M., Heeks, R., Bezuidenhout, L., Tsibolane, P., du Toit, D., Fredman, S., and Mungai, P. 2023. Fair work in South Africa's gig economy: A journey of engaged scholarship, Digital Geography and Society.

Bertolini, A., Graham, M., Neerukonda, M., Ojanperä, S., Parthasarathy, B., Srinivasan, J., Taduri, P., and Ustek-Spilda, F. 2023. Platformizing Informality, One Gig at a Time. In: Surie, A., Huws, U. (eds) Platformization and Informality. Dynamics of Virtual Work. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. 13-45

理查德·希克斯、马克·格雷厄姆、保罗·蒙盖、让保罗·范·贝拉、杰米·伍德科克,姚建华、刘君怡编译:《公平工作框架的开发与应用:基于体面劳动标准的零工工作系统评估》,《国外社会科学前沿》2023年第5期,第69—82页。(Richard Heeks, Mark Graham, Paul Mungai, Jean-Paul Van Belle and Jamie Woodcock, Systematic Evaluation of Gig Work against Decent Work Standards: The Development and Application of the Fairwork Framework, translated by Jianhua Yao and Junyi Lun, Journal of International Social Sciences, vol. 516, no. 5, pp. 69-82.)

Howson, K., Johnston, H., Cole, M., Ferrari, F., Ustek-Spilda, F., & Graham, M. 2023. Unpaid labour and territorial extraction in digital value networks. Global Networks, 23(4), 732– 754.

Braesemann F, Stephany F, Teutloff O, Kässi O, Graham M, Lehdonvirta V. 2022. The global polarisation of remote work. PLoS ONE 17(10): e0274630.

Cole, M., Cant, C., Ustek-Spilda, F., Graham, M. 2022. Politics by Automatic Means? A Critique of Artificial Intelligence Ethics at Work. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. 5. DOI=10.3389/frai.2022.869114

van Doorn, N., Ferrari, F., and Graham., M. 2022. Migration and Migrant Labour in the Gig Economy: An Intervention. Work, Employment and Society. DOI: 10.1177/09500170221096581

Ustek-Spilda, F., Howson, K., Johnston, H., Bertolini, A., Feuerstein, P., Bezuidenhout, L., Alyanak, O., and Graham., M. 2022. Is anonymity dead?: Doing critical research on digital labour platforms through platform interfaces. Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation. Vol. 16(1):72-87. DOI: 10.13169/workorgalaboglob.16.1.0072

Howson, K., Ferrari, F., Ustek-Spilda, F., Salem, N., Johnston, H., Katta, S., Heeks, R., and Graham, M. (2021). Driving the digital value network: Economic geographies of global platform capitalism. Global Networks. 22:4, 631-648,

Howson, K., Feuerstein, P., Ustek-Spilda, F., Bertolini, A., Johnston, H., and Graham, M. (2021). Online Labor Platforms: Power Sans Accountability?. Global Dialogue, 11(3). 26-28.

Fredman, S., du Toit, D., Graham, M., Cherupara Vadekkethil, A., Bhatia, G., & Bertolini, A. (2021). International Regulation of Platform Labor: A Proposal for Action. Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society, 1(1), w1.1.4.

Lehdonvirta, V., Hjorth, I., Barnard, H., and Graham, M. (2021). Global earnings disparities in remote platform work: liabilities of origin? In Haidar, J., and Keune, M. (2021) Work and Labour Relations in Global Platform Capitalism. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. 111-133.

Graham, M., Lehdonvirta, V., Wood, A. J., Barnard, H., Hjorth, I., and Simon, D. P. (2021). The uneven potential of online platform work for human development at the global margins. In Drahokoupil, J., and Vandael, K. (2021). A Modern Guide To Labour and the Platform Economy. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. 194–208.

Englert, S., Graham. M., Fredman, S., du Toit, D., Badger, A., Heeks, R., and Van Belle, J. P. (2021). Workers, Platforms and the State: The Struggle over Digital Labour Platform Regulation. In Drahokoupil, J., and Vandael, K. (2021). A Modern Guide to Labour and the Platform Economy. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. 162-176.

Tsibolane B., Albornoz M.B., Arriagada A., Putri T.E., Van Belle J.P., Chavez H., Heeks R., Howson K., Bonhomme M., Leyton J., Ibáñez F., Bezuidenhout L., Graham M. (2021). Fairwork in the platform economy: A Global South perspective. In Albrieu, R. (Ed.). (2021). Cracking the future of work. Automation and labor platforms in the Global South, FOWIGS, Chile, pp.180-225. ISBN: 978-987-1479-51-1.

Heeks, R., Graham, M., Mungai, P., Van Belle, J-P,. and Woodcock, J. (2021) Systematic evaluation of gig work against decent work standards: The development and application of the Fairwork framework, The Information Society, DOI: 10.1080/01972243.2021.1942356

Bertolini A., Howson K., Katta S., Ustek-Spilda F., Graham M. (2021) Gig Economy and Sustainable Development. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A.M., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Wall T. (eds) Decent Work and Economic Growth. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham.

Howson, K., Ustek Spilda, F., Bertolini, A., Heeks, R., Ferrari, F., Katta, S., Cole, M., Aguera Reneses, P., Salem, N., Sutcliffe, D., Steward, S., and Graham, M. 2021. Stripping back the mask: Working conditions on digital labour platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Labour Review.

Bertolini, A., Borkert, M., Ferrari, F., and Graham, M. 2021. Towards decent work in the digital age: introducing the fairwork project in GermanyZeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft .

Ferrari, F. and Graham, M. 2021. Fissures in algorithmic power: platforms, code, and contestation. Cultural Studies. (also translated into Portuguese: Ferrari, F. and Graham, M. 2021. Fissuras no Poder Algorítmico: plataformas, códigos e contestação. Fronteiras. 23(2). 207-219.

Heeks, R., Gomez-Morantes, J. E., Graham, M., Howson, K., Mungai, P., Nicholson, B., Van Belle, J-P. 2021. Digital platforms and institutional voids in developing countries: The case of ride-hailing markets. World Development.

Graham, M. 2020. Regulate, replicate, and resist – The conjunctural geographies of platform urbanism. Urban Geography. 41:3, 453-457.

Fredman, S., du Toit, D., Graham, M., Howson, K., Heeks, R., van Belle, J-P., Mungai, P., & Osiki, A. 2020 Thinking Out of the Box: Fair Work for Platform Workers, King's Law Journal, DOI: 10.1080/09615768.2020.1794196

Anwar, M. Aand Graham, M. 2020. Digital Labour at Economic Margins: African Workers and the Global Information EconomyReview of African Political Economy. (pre-publication version here)

Katta, S., Badger, A., Graham, M., Howson, K., Ustek-Spilda, F., & Bertolini, A. 2020. (Dis)embeddedness and (de)commodification: COVID-19, Uber, and the unravelling logics of the gig economy. Dialogues in Human Geography.

Graham, M., Woodcock, J., Heeks, R., Mungai, P., Van Belle, J-P., du Toit, D., Fredman, S., Osiki, A., van der Spuy, A., Silberman, S. 2020. The Fairwork Foundation: Strategies for improving platform work in a global context. Geoforum. (also translated by into simplified Chinese by Jianhua Yao (2022), Labour Union Studies, vol. 188, no. 4, pp. 66-74.)

Anwar, M. Aand Graham, M. 2020. Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Freedom, Flexibility, Precarity and Vulnerability in the Gig Economy in Africa, Competition and Change. Special Issue on Digitalisation and Labour in the Global Economy.

Anwar, M. A. and Graham, M. 2019 Hidden Transcripts of the Gig Economy: Labour Agency and the New Art of Resistance among African Gig Workers. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space.

Graham, M., and Anwar, M. A. 2019. The Global Gig Economy: Towards a Planetary Labour Market? First Monday. 24(4).

Wood, A., Graham, M., Lehdonvirta, A., and Hjorth, I. 2019. Networked but Commodified: The (Dis)Embeddedness of Digital Labour in the Gig Economy. Sociology.

Wood, A., Graham, M., Lehdonvirta, A., and Hjorth, I. 2019. Good Gig, Bad Big: Autonomy and Algorithmic Control in the Global Gig Economy. Work, Employment and Society. 33(1). 56-75

Anwar, M. A., and Graham, M. 2019. Does economic upgrading lead to social upgrading in contact centers? Evidence from South Africa. African Geographical Review. DOI: 10.1080/19376812.2019.1589730

Wood A.J, Graham M and Anwar M. A. 2019. Minimum Wages for Online Labor Platforms? Regulating the Global Gig Economy. In Larsson A and Teigland R (Eds) ‘The Digital Transformation of Labor: Automation, the Gig Economy and Welfare. London: Routledge. 74-79.

Graham, M. and Anwar, M.A. 2018. Digital Labour In: Digital Geographies Ash, J., Kitchin, R. and Leszczynski, A. (eds.). Sage: London. 177-187. (translated into Portuguese in Antunes, R. 2020. Uberização, trabalho digital e Indústria 4.0 (Mundo do trabalho)).

Graham, M. and Anwar, M. A. 2018. Two Models for a Fairer Sharing Economy. In Davidson, N. M., Finck, M., Infranca, J. J. (eds). The Law of the Sharing Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 316-327.

Wood, A., Lehdonvirta, V., and Graham, M. 2018. Workers of the Internet unite? Online freelancer organisation among remote gig economy workers in six Asian and African countries. New Technology, Work and Employment. 33(2). 95-112. 10.1111/ntwe.12112. (pre-publication version here)

Graham, M. and Woodcock, J. 2018. Towards a Fairer Platform Economy: Introducing the Fairwork Foundation. Alternate Routes. 29. 242-253.

Ojanperä, S, O'Clery, N, and Graham, M. 2018. Data science, artificial intelligence and the futures of work. Alan Turing Institute Report. October 24.

Lehdonvirta, V., Kässi, O., Hjorth, I., Barnard, H., and Graham, M. 2018. The Global Platform Economy: A New Offshoring Institution Enabling Emerging-Economy MicroprovidersJournal of Management.

Graham, M and Shaw, J. (eds). 2017. Towards a Fairer Gig Economy. London: Meatspace Press. (also translated into Italian)

Graham, M., Hjorth, I., Lehdonvirta, V. 2017. Digital labour and development: impacts of global digital labour platforms and the gig economy on worker livelihoods. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research. 23 (2) 135-162.

Graham, M., Lehdonvirta, V., Wood, A., Barnard, H., Hjorth, I., and Simon, D. P. 2017. The Risks and Rewards of Online Gig Work At the Global Margins. Oxford: Oxford Internet Institute. 

other writings

Krishan, A., and Graham, M. 2023. Does Digital Platform Work Empower Women and Gender Minorities? in Empowerment or Exploitation? Global Perspectives on Women’s Work in the Platform Economy. S. Dewan and K. Sanyal eds. JustJobs. 134-135.

Graham, M., Valente, J., and Cant, C. 2023. Die unsichtbare Arbeit hinter der KI. Tagesspiegel. Mar 16, 2023.

Ustek Spilda, F., Bertolini, A., Howson, H., Alyanak, O. and Graham, M. 2022. Gender and Care Work Operational Models: Setting a Research Agenda in Global Perspectives on women, work and digital labour platforms: A collection of articles from around the world on women’s experiences of digital labour platforms. O. Blanchard and A. Hunt eds. Digital Future Society. 66-73. Also translated into Spanish (El género y los modelos operativos de las plataformas de trabajo de cuidados).

Ustek-Spilda, F., Ferrari, F., Cole, M., Reneses, P. A., and Graham, M. 2020. The infrastructural power of platform capitalism. Social Europe. Dec 16, 2020. Also translated into Portuguese: O poder infraestrutural do capitalismo de plataforma. Carta Maior. Dec 21, 2020.

Ustek-Spilda, F., Bertolini, A., Neerukonda, M., Taduri, P., Graham, M., Salem, M. 2020. COVID-19, the gig economy and the hunger for surveillance. Ada Lovelace Institute. Dec 8, 2020.

Howson, K., Ustek-Spilda, F., Grohmann, R., Salem, N., Carelli, R., Abs, D., Salvagni, J., Graham, M., Balbornoz, M. B., Chavez, H., Arriagada, A., and Bonhomme, M. 2020. ‘Just because you don’t see your boss, doesn’t mean you don’t have a boss’: Covid19 and Gig Worker Strikes across Latin America. International Union Rights. 27(3), 20-28.

Ustek-Spilda, F., Heeks, R., and Graham, M. 2020. Covid-19: Who will protect gig workers if not platforms? Social Europe. May 28, 2020.

Ustek-Spilda, F., Heeks, R., Graham, M., Bertolini, A., Katta, S., Fredman, S., Howson, K., Ferrari, F., Neerukonda, M., Taduri, P., Badger, A., and Salem, N. 2020. How is the platform economy responding to Covid-19?. openDemocracy. May 14, 2020.

Graham, M., Howson, K., Ustek-Spilda, F., Bertolini, A., Katta, S., Bertolini, A., Badger, A., and Ferrari, F. 2020. If platforms do not protect gig workers, who will? New Internationalist. April 23, 2020. (updated version re-published in Geography Directions)

Graham, M. and Anwar, M. A. 2020. Made in Africa: African digital labour in the value chains of AI. Social Europe. April 16, 2020.

Ustek-Spilda, F., Graham., Bertolini, A., Katta, S., Ferrari, F., and Howson, K. 2020. From Social Distancing to Social Solidarity: Gig economy and the Covid-19. OECD Development Matters. March 27, 2020.

Ustek-Spilda, F., Graham., Katta, S., Ferrari, F., Badger, A., Howson, K., and Neerukonda, M. 2020. The politics of Covid-19: Gig work in the coronavirus crisis. Red Pepper. March 26, 2020.

Ustek-Spilda, F., Graham., Katta, S., Howson, K., Ferrari, F., and Bertolini, A. 2020. The Untenable Luxury of Self-Isolation. New Internationalist. March 18, 2020.

Katta, S., Howson, K., and Graham, M. 2020. The Fairwork Foundation: Action Research on the Gig Economy. Global Dialogue. 10(1). 44-46.

Katta, S., Howson, K., Ustek-Spilda, F., and Graham, M. 2020. Uber and Deliveroo’s ‘charter of good work’ is nothing but fairwashing. openDemocracy. Feb 3, 2020. Also translated into Portuguese: O lobo cuida do galinheiro. CartaCapital. Feb 17, 2020.

Ferrari, F., and Graham, M. 2019. Myth: Digital Work is Immaterial. In Bust-ed! The Truth About the 50 Most Common Internet Myths. In Kettemann, M. C., and Dreyer, S. (eds). Berlin: Internet Governance Forum. 146-149.

Graham, M. 2019. How to build a fairer gig economy in 4 steps. World Economic Forum. Nov 1. (also translated into Portuguese in Carta Capital)

Graham, M., Englert, S., and Woodcock, J. 2019. Holding platforms accountable to digital workers’ rightsNew Internationalist. May 01, 2019.

Graham, M., Ferrari, F., and Woodcock, J. 2019. Plattformökonomie braucht Mindeststandards. Der Tagesspiegel. Apr 15, 2019.

Gillwald, A., Graham, M., Englert, S., van der Spuy, A., and Woodcock, J. 2019. Fairwork exposes exploitation in gig economy amid regulatory vacuum. Business Day (South Africa). Apr 11, 2019.

Wood, A. J. and Graham, M. 2019. Networked but commodified: digital labour in the remote gig economyNew Internationalist. Feb 28, 2019.

Woodcock, J., and Graham, M. 2019. How can we better regulate digital platform capitalism to protect workers? LabourList. Feb 22, 2019.

Graham, M., Lehdonvirta, L., Wood., A., Barnard, H., and Hjorth, I. 2018. Could Online Gig Work Drive Development in Lower-income Countries? In Galperin, H., and Alarcon, A. The Future of Work in the Global South. Ottawa: IDRC. 8-11.

Graham, M. 2018. The Rise of the Planetary Labour Market. New Statesman. Jan 29, 2018. (republished in Technosphere, The Invisible Worker, and the RSA’s Field Guide to the Future of Work)

Wood, A. J. and Graham, M. 2018. Can African and Asian workers challenge exploitation in the gig economy? New Internationalist. Aug 8, 2018.

Wood, A.J. and Graham, M. 2018. The government consultation on employment classification and control: a response. Response to the UK Government open consultation on employment status. Feb 7, 2018.

Graham, M. 2018. The UK universities strike is the frontline of the gig economy fight. Wired. Mar 12, 2018.

Wood, A., and Graham,M. 2017. Virtual Monopolies and The Workers' Voice. iai News. Sept 4, 2017.

Graham, M. and Wood, A. 2017. Has the Taylor Review now clarified the status of workers in the gig economy? University of Oxford Medium. Jul 18, 2017

Graham, M. and Wood, A. 2017. How to resist the exploitation of digital gig workersRed Pepper. Apr 14, 2017

Wood, A., Graham, M., Anwar, M. A., Ramizo, G. 2017. Minimum wages on online labour platforms. Oxford Internet Institute.

Graham, M., Lehdonvirta, V., Barnard, H., Wood, A., Hjorth, I., Azarhoosh, K., and Simon, D. 2017. Written evidence to the Work and Pensions Committee inquiry into self-employment and the gig economy.

Graham, M. 2016. Let’s make platform capitalism more accountableNew Internationalist. Dec 13, 2016

Graham, M. and Wood, A. 2016. Why the digital gig economy needs co-ops and unions. openDemocracy. Sept 15, 2016

Graham, M. 2016. Digital work marketplaces impose a new balance of power. New Internationalist.May 25, 2016

Graham, M. 2016. Organising the Digital "Wild West": Can Strategic Bottlenecks Help Prevent a Race to the Bottom for Online Workers? Union Solidarity International. May 11, 2016 (also translated into Turkish)

Graham, M. 2016. Digital Work and the Global Precariat. Union Solidarity International. Mar 30, 2016

Graham, M. 2015. Digital Work Signals a Global Race to the Bottom. SciDevNet Sept 15, 2015